National Futures Association

3 Things About…

This is an inaugural post in an occasional series that will attempt to distill a select current event to its essence.

Consistent with the (arguably bland yet) very accurate name of our blog, the focus of this series will be on regulatory and transactional issues related to derivatives and repurchase agreements.  Our first topic is..

…The CFTC’s Proposed Amendments to Form CPO-PQRContinue Reading 3 Things About…The CFTC’s Proposed Amendments to Form CPO-PQR

On Februrary 10th, the National Futures Association (“NFA”) announced that it was making two changes to its EasyFile system.  Both changes relate to the information that is required to be filed by a commodity pool operator (CPO) in respect of annual pool financial statements.  In particular, a CPO must now:
Continue Reading Attention CPOs: NFA Now Requires Cover Page and An Additional Financial Item